SEO Overrides V2

SEO Overrides version 2 is a powerful tool to permit effective management of meta-tags on each page on the website.  This instruction will assist in the use of the system. It is recommended you read the entire document prior to updating the system.

The system follows a similar setup process as used in Google Tag Manager (GTM).  When SEOv2 is used in association with GTM and Custom URL’s you have very powerful tools to assist your property to be ranked higher in searched and for effective analytics to be provided.

Add New Override


Name – How to refer to the Override:

All overrides will appear as a list, each with own rules, settings and patterns – therefore the name needs to be meaningful so as you can refer to it in future.


Use the “page name” first so all overrides are displayed in page order

The overrides are listed by Name and then priority



Page Title

alter the page title/meta title/title tags




On the “Home page” only forward slash only required as there is no additional text after the URL. See below.


On the home page a leading slash needs to be set to “equals” else it will match every other page in the system.

Please note the index may be either “/”, “/index.html” or “/” depending on whether the site is a booking engine or not and what page people get redirected to.

Ideally create multiple overrides to satisfy this unless a more technical approach is required using Regex (see below).

Alternatively you can just use Match Regex (Ignore case) and use ^/(index.html)?(\?.*)?$ for a full website or ^/(index(\.site\.bookings\.\d+)?\.html)?(\?.*)?$ for a booking engine.

The best option is to do multiple overrides.

This can be a bit complicated – but it only just happens on the home page!

Additional Mark Up

add code to a specific locations within the page

Example Home page

Example sub page

In the rules field “start with” has been selected as the URL may have additional text after which can vary between pages i.e. packages. All packages will start with packages but each package will have additional text.

You can provide a mark-up for a specific page and provide a higher priority so it will be displayed first. See section on Priority.

Below is an example of forward slash and about “/about”

Type Setting

Page Title

Choose from


(in front of) – places the text in front of the existing text


(at the end) – Places the text and the end of the existing text


(remove original and replace) – Replaces the text

Additional Mark Up

The placement of tags can be crucial as they may depend on or be dependent on another tag.


In the header

Body Start

At the body start

Body End 

At the body end

Priority – additional setting to determine the sequence in which tags fire.


Is highest priority – this tag will take precedence


Is the lowest priority



You set the priority when you have multiple tags on the one page. The higher the priority tag will fire first.


Override Content – field to enter overrides

Points 6 to 8 Filters or rules to determine which page to apply the override or not apply.

Numerous Patterns may be applied to narrow the filter - + - to control



Custom URL has been allowed for and will apply/remove the override to both Original and Custom URL simultaneously. These cannot be separated.

If a custom URL has been used add an override for whatever the custom URL is. The system still serves the original page by the original url (, etc).



Use when you require apply to a specific URL


Use when you do NOT want to apply to a specific URL

Example DOES NOT

URL DOES starts with / (covers all packages) + URL DOES NOT equal /


Start with

In Pattern use the start of the URL after the forward slash

End With

In Pattern use the end of the URL


In pattern use the full URL


In patters the URL contains the Text

Match Regex

Regular Expression - for use by advanced users

Match Regex no case

Regular Expression - for use by advanced users


Rules on titles will pick the higher priority title and use that. Other matching overrides for the title will be ignored. For all the others it just decides the order


The full URL is used and the title is specific to the package

The generic page URL is used and content will apply to all packages pages. (Except Krackerjack)

By setting the priority higher on the specific URL (Krackerjack) it will fire first.



the URL to which rules and matches apply

SUBMIT  - click on ‘Submit’ to save changes


Use the helpers below to assist you in generating your tags or conditions.

The system creates the meta tag and places it in the override content field.



Description – adds to head tag – eg <meta type="description" content="Perth Packages">

Keywords – adds keywords - <meta type="keywords" content="Jobs, employment, ">


1. Title Tags-1.mp4

2. Meta Descriptions-2.mp4

3. Internal Linking-3.mp4

4. Heading Tags-4.mp4

5. Url Structure-5.mp4

6. Image Optimisation (Alt Text And File Size)-6.mp4