Text Pages


Text pages have a number of uses on the site. They can be used:

To include an additional page on the site and link it via the HTML editor tool bar (See section on HTML tool bar.)

Search engine landing page or Gateway page

To Access Text Pages, go to Additional Information and click on Text Pages:

Add a New Text Page

Click on the add new text page
You will be directed to the following page:


This page allows you to complete the information.

You can display the page on the property site map by clicking on the ‘Display Page In Site Map’ box.

Provide a title for the section. For example, you may call the Document your ‘Terms and Conditions’

Enter the relevant text to the page you wish to create in the ‘Content’ Section

Provide a Meta description. This is a Meta tag and is used by the Search Engine to assist in indexing the page.

In the ‘Advanced’ box place a Unique Identifying Phrase. Again this is used for the Search Engines and will appear in the domain for this page. This must be unique and not used prior. You can check the availability by clicking on the ‘[Check]’ link. This will tell you if the Unique Phrase is available for use.

You can enter the key words for the section again this is for the Search Engine optimisation.

It is this page that SEO specialists will create pages for the site.

Please contact support@levart.com.au if you require assistance with your Text Pages.