
Site Information [-] Facilities


This page allows you to enter the features that are found at your property.  You do not have to fill these fields out if you do not wish to display this information on your website.

If you don’t want to use this page as the section as named you can utilise it for another purpose by renaming it in the ‘Section Title’.

How to set up Facilities

Go to your Levart Admin

Select the [+] over Site Information

Click on Facilities


The display tick box must be checked to ensure the page is visible to the public on your website.

Note:  Not applicable for Channel control only.



The Section Title allows you to change the title of the facilities page. This will also be the name displayed on the menu tab.          


In the Custom URL textbox, if you wish you can enter text that you would like the URL for this page to be (after the domain), or click AUTO for the system to automatically generate a relevant URL


When you open that page on your live site, the updated URL will appear in the address bar, page links, link hovers and breadcrumbs.

Both the original Levart link and the saved Custom URL will direct guests to that page, so existing links to that page will remain.

Header Slideshow

The Header Slideshow are the large image/s that display at the top of your website. 

Use the dropdown to:

  1. Select an already created gallery
  2. Create a new gallery
  3. Apply a single media file
  4. Use the default gallery (what is assigned to the Home page)


A gallery needs to be created for multiple images. If you only require one image in the header, select "Single Media File"

Description Text

Fill in the Description text with a paragraph explaining all the current features, services, facilities or amenities that your property offers.  You can also load additional images in this section.


Hotel Facilities

Simply check the boxes that best correspond to the services your property provides to its guests.  Enter relevant info in description textbox if required.



This section is to show that your property can cater for guests that are physically disabled.  



Tick relevant security information that is provided at your property.


Once you have updated the information that is applicable to your property, scroll to the bottom and press ‘UPDATE NOW’.

Everything that has been ticked will display in a list on the live website: