Stay Periods
Please familiarise with the terms in the Glossary table
Field | Details | Hints | ||
Description | The name of the rate period to be displayed on the choices page of the LRE. | |||
Status | Indicates whether the rate is active as a result of the setting on the grid. | Mouse over to view how the stings will work. It will display when the necessary fields have been completed. If the Sell Start Period is in the future the status will display inactive. | ||
Sell Start Date | The date you want the “Stay Period” to be available for sale and displayed on the site. | The Sell Start and Sell End dates settings are the dates the stay period will be available for sale. Setting the dates allows the property to turn on (the period between the dates) or off (dates other than the dates listed) the Stay Period display on the site. If off the Stay Period will not be available for sale. To activate the field, you need to check the box on the left-hand side of the “Sell Start Date” | ||
Sell End Date | Is the date you do want to remove the “Stay Period” from being displayed | The Sell Start and Sell End dates settings are the dates the stay period will be available for sale. Setting the dates allows the property to turn on (the period between the dates) or off (dates other than the dates listed) the Stay Period display on the site. If off the Stay Period will not be available for sale. To activate the field, you need to check the box on the left-hand side of the “Sell Start Date” | ||
Stay Start Date | This is the date that you want your leases to start. It means Lease Start Date. | It should marry the rate period setup on the Rate Types page of the site. | ||
Stay End Date | This means the date you want the leases to expire or end. | It should marry the rate period setup on the Rate Types page of the site. | ||
Max Stay | This means the length of the lease that can be entered into by an applicant. | If you only want a short term lease (say 3 – 6 months) then this should be reflected in your max stay period. The max stay period is influenced by the start and end dates. If you want longer term leases (ie 12 months or more) then this should again be reflected in the max stay timeframe. | ||
Custom User Date Selection | ||||
General | Using this section displays calendar boxes on the site. It allows the students to change the dates of the start or end of their stay dependent upon the settings applied. |
| ||
Stay Start | The Stay Start date check box places a calendar date picker on booking engine to permit selection of the start date relevant to the settings applied. | This is the determined by the MinLOS and the MaxLOS set | ||
Stay End | The Stay End Date check box places a calendar date picker on the to permit selection of the end date relevant to the settings applied. | This is the determined by the MinLOS and the MaxLOS set | ||
MinLOS | Minimum Length of Stay (MinLOS) This is the minimum period the student can stay. | If the 18 weeks is set as the MinLOS the student must stay at least 18 weeks when the Rate period on the rate type page and the “Stay Period” may (Max Stay) is set for 24 weeks. | ||
Note 1. The difference between the MinLOS (Min Stay) and the MaxLOS (Max Stay) is the “Flexible Stay Period” where the student can change the dates of arrival or departure depending on the way the property has set up the Stay Periods Grid. | ||||
Note 2. You can select both the Stay Start and Stay end boxes and both the start and end dates will have calendar date pickers displayed on the site. | ||||
Custom Rates | ||||
Enable | This turns on the rate assign function | If this box is checked you MUST select rates, or the stay period will not be bookable. | ||
Selection | This allows you to select rates for this stay period |
Under Management click on Stay Periods:
Enter the name of the Stay Period
This displays on the search page of the portal:
Next enter your Sell Start and End dates if you have them. If there is no sell period you can leave this section blank and the stay period will be available to reserve any time.
The Stay Start Date and Stay End Date are the dates that you want your leases to start and end. Some properties have a fixed lease start date and some properties are flexible with their dates. It is the same with stay end dates. If you want to be flexible with your start date, then you need to enter your Stay Start and End dates - if these are flexible you can tick these options in the Stay Start and Stay End Custom User Date Selection. The system will automatically calculate the Max Stay so you can check your work is correct.
You can set the Minimum Stay from the drop down box if you have flexible Stay dates which will restrict the student from reserving stay dates below the required number of weeks.
Click Submit to save.
Optional: Custom Rates
This section is used to assign specific rates to a stay period- which is helpful for properties with overlapping stays. Tick Enable > Submit, the use the rate selector button to assign rates to that stay period.
**NB** If Custom rates are enabled, rates MUST be selected
For explanations on how to best use this page please read through the following scenarios.
The Stay Periods section of the site is a very important part of the rate presentation. It allows the property to set the various options to display for sale. It also determines the “Sell Period” and the “Stay Period” as well as the rate type offered by the property whether it be one of the following stay period types:
Setup Type | Explanation |
| The start and end dates of the stay are set and cannot be altered. |
| The start date is flexible and the end date if fixed. |
| The start date is fixed and the end date is flexible |
| Both the start and end dates are a flexible. This allows a flexible selling period. |
| Allows the setup of short stays |
Note: the details below provide scenarios to assist in the setup of each of these options. We use the fields on the stay period grid to achieve the desired display presentation. |
It is important this section is setup to ensure your rates are presented to the students in a format to achieve the desired outcomes for the property.
Scenario – Fixed Stay Dates
Fixed stay dates are rate periods where the start and end dates of the stay are fixed. The student must stay from the star of the period until the end date of the period.
The Fixed stray dates are controlled via the rate period and the MinLOS and MaxLOS as week as through the stay periods setup.
The sell periods are used to enable the property to determine when the rates are available for sale.
To create a fixed stay period a rate period for 20/3/2019 to 11/12/2019
This stay period has a MaxLOS of 38 weeks (the difference between 11Dec19 and 20Mar19 in weeks)
To set the Stay Period up in the Levart Reservation engine
Description | The name of the rate period. It should be a name which is meaningful to the student. i.e. Semester 1 2019 etc | |
Status | Displays the functioning of the stay period once setup. See image below. | |
Sell Start Date | A date needs to entered in this box to set when the Stay period becomes active. Blank = currently available | |
Sell End Date | The period end date the property wants the rate to be unavailable for sale 20/03/2019 | |
Stay Start Date | The start date of the period the students can stay at the property 20/03/2019 | |
Stay End date | The end date of the period the students can stay at the property 11/12/2019 | |
Max Stay | The maximum number of weeks of the stay 38 weeks | |
Custom User Date Selection | ||
Stay Start | This field is not required for fixed stays | |
Stay end | This field is not required for fixed stays | |
MinLOS | This field is not required for fixed stays | |
This setup will be displayed as follows
A graphic Representation is provided to visualise the sell and stay periods
Scenario – Flexible Stay Start Dates
Flexible start stay dates permit the property to present options to the students as to the commencement of their stay. It provided the option for the students to choose within a nominated period the week they would like the stay to commence.
The property wants to offer a stay between the 1/2/2019 and 1/7/2019 a semester period of 21.43 weeks.
A period of 4 weeks will be allowed for the students to select the stay start date. This period will commence from the 1 Feb2019 until 28Feb19.
To set the Stay Period up in the Levart Reservation engine
Description | The name of the rate period. It should be a name which is meaningful to the student. i.e. Semester 1 2019 etc | |
Status | Displays the functioning of the stay period once setup. See image below. | |
Sell Start Date | A date needs to entered in this box to set when the Stay period becomes active. Blank = currently available | |
Sell End Date | The period end date the property wants the rate to be unavailable for sale Blank = currently available | |
Stay Start Date | The start date of the period the students can stay at the property 01/02/2019 | |
Stay End date | The end date of the period the students can stay at the property 01/07/2019 | |
Max Stay | The maximum number of weeks of the stay 21 weeks 3 days | |
Custom User Date Selection | ||
Stay Start | The check box has been checked to indicate the stay start date has been customised. | |
Stay end | This field is not required as the Stay end date is set | |
MinLOS | This field has a MinLOS (Minimum Length of Stay) of 18 weeks. As indicated above the MaxLOS is 21 weeks 3 days. This has been set at 22 weeks in rate type setup. As the property want a 4-week booking window at the commence of the rate period where the student can select their stay start dates the MinLOS is set at 18 (i.e. 22-4 =18 weeks) | |
The student can change the start date by clicking on the calendar icon to select the arrival date. Note only a 4-week window is provided.
A graphic representation is provided to visualise the sell and stay periods.
Scenario – Set Start Stay Date and Flexible Stay End Dates
The property has a stay period available of 26 weeks from 7/7/2019 to 27/12/2019.
The would like to have a fixed start stay date and a flexible stay end date of up to 5 weeks MinLOS 21 weeks
To set the Stay Period up in the Levart Reservation engine:
Description | The name of the rate period. It should be a name which is meaningful to the student. i.e. Semester 2 2019 | |
Status | Displays the functioning of the stay period once setup. See image below. | |
Sell Start Date | A date needs to entered in this box to set when the Stay period becomes active. Blank = currently available | |
Sell End Date | The period end date the property wants the rate to be unavailable for sale Blank = currently available | |
Stay Start Date | The start date of the period the students can stay at the property. Should match the rate period setup in rate types. 07/07/2019 | |
Stay End date | The end date of the period the students can stay at the property. Should match the rate period setup in rate types. 21/12/2019 | |
Max Stay | The maximum number of weeks of the stay (auto calculated) 24 weeks 5 days | |
Custom User Date Selection | ||
Stay Start | The check box has not been checked as the start date is set (not flexible). | |
Stay end | The check box indicates a custom end date has been checked to enable a custom end date on the booking panel. | |
MinLOS | This field has a MinLOS (Minimum Length of Stay) of 21weeks. As indicated above the MaxLOS in the rate type setup is 26 weeks. As the property wants a 5-week booking window at the end of the rate period where the student can select their stay end date. | |
A graphic representation is provided to visualise the sell and stay periods.
Scenario – Flexible Stay Start Dates and Flexible Stay End Dates (Rolling Periods) (Option 1)
The property allows students to have a window to for them to select the stay start date and a window to select the stay end date.
The property has a stay period available of 52 weeks between the rate period of 1/1/2019 to 31/03/2020.
The property has set a rate period of 65 weeks (as per above)
The property would like to have a flexible stay start and stay end date period of 13 weeks i.e. the student can book a minimum of 52 weeks anytime between the rate period of 65 weeks
To set the Stay Period up in the Levart Reservation engine:
Description | The name of the rate period. It should be a name which is meaningful to the student. i.e. Full year 2019 etc | |
Status | Displays the functioning of the stay period once setup. See image below. | |
Sell Start Date | A date needs to entered in this box to set when the Stay period becomes active. Blank = currently available | |
Sell End Date | The period end date the property wants the rate to be unavailable for sale 31/03/2019 | |
Stay Start Date | The start date of the period the students can stay at the property. Should match the rate period setup in rate types. 01/01/2019 | |
Stay End date | The end date of the period the students can stay at the property. Should match the rate period setup in rate types. 31/03/2020 | |
Max Stay | The maximum number of weeks of the stay (auto calculated) 65 weeks | |
Custom User Date Selection | ||
Stay Start | The check box has been checked to indicate a custom start date can be set on the booking panel. | |
Stay end | The check box has been checked to indicate a custom end date can be set on the booking panel. | |
MinLOS | This field has a MinLOS (Minimum Length of Stay) of 52 weeks. As indicated above the MaxLOS in the rate type setup is 65 weeks. As the property want a 13-week booking window at the commence or end of the rate period where the student can select their stay start and end dates. | |
A graphic representation is provided to visualise the sell and stay periods.
Flexible (Staggered) Start and flexible end dates with restricted sell dates (Rolling Periods) (Option 2)
The rolling period allows the property to display rates over the semester / year which can have a different start date and end date. The system allows the student to choose the limits within the period of the stay.
The period of the stay is controlled by applying MinLOS on the Fixed stay grid and MaxLOS in the rate types.
The above graphic reveals the setup for a reasonably complicated rate structure at on the UniLodge properties. Whilst the Rolling Period rate setup needs to be carefully though through the end result for the student to make an application is a simple process presenting the options available at the time of booking.
A precursor to the setup is the desire to attract the student to stay as long as possible.
The setup for the Semester 1 2019 is explained below row 3, 2 & 1, with 1 being the more recent period
Label | Action | Explanation |
Description | Enter the name of the period to be displayed | This is the period name to be displayed on the live site You can have multiple lines for the Rate period to cover the requirements of the Rolling Periods. |
Status | This field is automatically filled depending on the settings in the remaining fields on the grid. There are two statuses
| The setup will become evident when the remaining fields are completed. |
Sell Start Date | This is the date the rate period will become available for sale. Please note the dates are inclusive. | In row 1 above the Sell Start Date is blank. This means the rate is currently available for display and sale in the site. In row 2 the date has been entered as 10/01/2019. This means the Rate Period will not be displayed until the 10/01/2019. On row 3 the date has been entered as 29/01/2019. This means the Rate Period will not be displayed until the 29/01/2019. |
Sell End Date | This is the date the rate period will cease to display on the live site. Please note the dates are inclusive. | In row 1 the Sell end date has been set as the 09/01/2019. After this date the rate period will not be displayed. In row 2 the end sell date has been entered as 28/01/2019. Hence the rate period is not displayed after this date. In row 3 the end sell date has been entered as 03/03/2019. Hence the rate period is not displayed after this date. |
Stay Start Date | The is the date the rate periods start dates are set. For an application to be made, the property must have a rate and inventory available. | On row 1 the stay Start date is 01/01/2019. This is when this Rate Period can available for sale subject to the “Sell Dates” set above. |
Stay End Date | The is the date the rate periods ends dates are set. After this date no applications will be possible on this specific rate period. | On row 1 the Stay End Date is set to 21/06/2019. This is the date the rate period will end. |
Allow User selection | ||
Max Stay | The maximum number of weeks of the stay (auto calculated) | Row 1 = 24 weeks 3 days Row 2 = 22 weeks 2 days Row 1 = 21 weeks |
Stay Start | The check box has been checked to indicate a custom start date can be set on the booking panel. | In row 1 the MinLOS is set to 24 weeks. This is calculated from the stay start date being the 21/06/2019. It allows us to set the MinLOS period of the stay. In row 2 the MinLOS has been set as 22 weeks. Only 22 weeks can be sold from the 22/01/2019. This means in this rate period the rate from the 22/01/2019 to the 25/07/2019 are available for sale. In row 3 the MinLOS has been set as 21 weeks. Only 21 weeks can be sold from the 28/02/2019. This means in this rate period the rate from the 28/02/2019 to the 25/07/2019 are available for sale. |
Stay End | The check box has NOT been checked to indicate no custom end date can be set on the booking panel. | |
Min Stay | This field has a MinLOS (Minimum Length of Stay) has been adjusted to permit staggered end dates. This is calculated from the Stay Start Dates |
A graphic representation is provided to visualise the sell and stay periods.
FAQ - Why are the Stay Periods not displaying on the website?
Stay Periods Inactive
When the Sell End date expires it causes it to become inactive
Once the Stay End date has passed, the Stay Period will become inactive
If the period between the Stay Start date and Stay End date is less than the Min Stay, it will cause the rate to become inactive
Stay Periods not displaying on website
Stay Periods will not display if there is no inventory available
It is recommended that waitlist is enabled in each rate type. This way, even if there is some unavailable days, a guest can still make a waitlist application
When a rate expires it will no longer be visible on your website
Stay Periods are also not visible on your website when the MLOS in Rate Types and Min Stay in Stay Periods do not match.
You can either reduce the MLOS in Rate Types
Alternatively increase the Min Stay in Stay Periods
Please contact Support if you are still unable to determine why a Stay Period is not showing.