POI Selection
Levart’s Places of Interest (POI) page allows the property to apply Universities that are located close to your property.
In your Levart Admin site under the Management heading click POI Selection
Map Features
All Universities located within 50km of your property will be listed at the bottom of the map, with the distance from the property. Your property is shown on the map with the red icon, and any university you select will show as a blue icon. Hovering over the university icon and the University name will display. You can also scroll the map in and out to change your view.
To assign Universities
Select as many Universities as you wish by checking the boxes, then click save to complete.
If you have a University you would like to have that is not on the current list please email support@levart.com.au with the name and address of the University and Levart will add it for you.
Should you require any further assistance, please contact support@levart.com.au