CMS Slideshow Setup
CMS Slideshow Setup allows properties to upload and update images and settings for their website header images.
Please contact if you would like this enabled.
Click CMS Slideshow Setup under the Additional Information heading in your Levart Admin site
This page is divided into two tabs. Click through these to change
You are able to upload, reorder, link and assign images to specific pages via the Slides tab.
The recommended header image size for each theme is as below
Empire 980 x 286
Phoenix 986 x 434
Verve 870 x 400
Horizon 1600 x 400
Soho 1160 x 520
Stripe Home Page Banner images: 1920px x 1080px Banner images for all pages (except home page): 1920px x 500px
Click Choose Files to upload new images
You can upload multiple images at once by holding the Control key on your keyboard while clicking images in the upload popup.
Once you have selected the relevant images, click Submit to upload those
Once uploaded, the images will default to the Default setting – meaning they will appear in this order on every page of your website.
To reorder header images
You can reorder the images by clicking and holding on that image, and dragging it to the preferred order
Once images are in the preferred order, click Update at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
To assign images to specific pages
You can assign images to specific pages your website by selecting those pages from the list next to that image
Default will display images on all pages that do not have images individually assigned to that page, including your Booking Engine, Review, Payment and Confirmation pages.
All other pages are indicated by their name in Site Information
If you wish to display on a specific page, click the page name next to that image. You can select more than one by holding the Control key on your keyboard as you click multiple pages
Once you have selected the relevant pages, click Update at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
To update URL, Heading and Caption Text
Click the Edit icon next to the relevant image to update the URL link, heading and caption text
Entering a link to any website via the URL line will allow visitors to your site to click your header image to be directed to that page
Entering text in the Heading field will display that over the image as the header title
Entering text in the Caption Text field will display that text in the subheading, below the Heading text
Ensure you click Update at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
To view header images assigned to specific pages
Click the dropdown on the right hand corner of the page. This will bring up a list of all pages from Site Information
You can then select the relevant page from the dropdown to view images that are assigned to that specific page
This tab allows you to control the settings of the images you have uploaded
You can select Yes or No from the Show Arrows dropdown to hide or add scroll through arrows on your header images. When enabled, this will allow guests to click to scroll though header images
You can lengthen or shorten the default Pause Duration period by selecting an option from that dropdown. This will control the length of time a header image displays before it transitions to the next
By default, the Transition Effect between slides is a horizontal scroll. You can select another option from the dropdown list, should you wish for another effect to transition your images
The speed of the transitions can be lengthened or shortened via the Transition Speed dropdown
Ensure you click Update at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Should you require any further assistance, feel free to contact